Traditionally, blogging was not really a profession. It was seen more as a way to keep record of information and share it easily with colleagues. But soon, as information revolution began to unfold, bloggers sensed an opportunity of making money by sharing the information that they had through their blogs. As more and more people got connected to Internet and search engines like Google, Yahoo!, Bing and more began to answer billions of queries every day, blogs became an important source of getting information. Free blogging services like WordPress and Blogger, Ad networks like Google AdSense, and promotional ads/reviews opened the playing field to everyone who wanted to write and make money through it. As this trend gathered more steam –some people took the risk of leaving their day jobs and began to blog full-time. Some of them failed. Those who succeeded, they turned into a Professional Blogger! When you begin to take blogging as a career and start making all or a significant part of your income from blogging –you can label yourself as a professional blogger. Blogging is just like any other job or business. To be successful, you need to be passionate and serious both about blogging as well as the subject which you blog about. Also, you would need to develop a few skills required for blogging on professional scale. As you may know, a good profession is one in which you’ve real interest. Getting into a profession/career just because it offers fatter (or easier) pay-package is not a good idea in long term. Being a professional blogger is akin to being a pro-sportsperson. You like the sport –that is why you play it. If you madly love only soccer –you can not (and should not) become a pro tennis player! And if you’re more of a sedentary person, it’s better not to take up any sport as profession. It’s not that you can’t just be a blogger. You can easily setup a blog and keep posting on it as and when you feel like. Not all bloggers have to be pro. You can take blogging as a leisure activity, as a means of just spreading information or sharing information within your friend circle. Blogging can be a lot of different shapes. Professional blogging is just one of these shapes. This is how I see the sequence of importance. Life comes first and foremost. Even a brain-dead can tell you that being alive is the most important part of our being. Once that is ensured then comes your interest. Keep on doing something as though you’re dragging an unwanted weight is not worth it at all. Be serious about your interest and pursue only what your heart says. Don’t get into monetary calculations. Let your heart decide. Once you know your interest, then comes the turn of profession. Best idea is to turn your interest into your profession. Be a chess player if you love chess. If your interest lies in cooking, be a chef and not a deskbound computer operator. After going through all the thought process if you feel that blogging is what you like to do then your are welcome to the world of professional blogging! As I said, it is just like any other job. Don’t think that you can relax more, work less and still earn more bucks! In pro-blogging, you would need to focus and do full-time work on your blog. You would need to keep on learning and face some failures as well. You would need to be disciplined, hard working, good planner and a lot more! At TechWelkin, I teach you all it takes to be a successful professional blogger. I will be with you through your journey. Learn from me and share your experiences!

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