Telegram is a popular application where you can join channels on different topics and have conversations individually with people in your contact list or as a group through a channel. However, if you have contacts or channels that have been inactive for quite some time now, you can easily archive them using Telegram’s archive feature. Do not worry if you get a hint that the archived chats have become active once again because you can also unarchive chats in Telegram easily. And we are here to demonstrate clear ways for you to follow if you want to archive or unarchive chats in Telegram.

How to Archive Chats in Telegram using Mobile?

You can find Telegram for mobile applications for both android and IOS when you browse through the play store or app store. Make sure you install the mobile application for Telegram and launch the app to proceed with the steps of archiving chats in Telegram.

1. Open Telegram.

You will be welcomed with a list of your chats on the home screen. Now, the steps will differ on whether you want to archive a single chat or multiple chats at once. If you want to archive a single pot you will need to swipe on a selected chat to the left side. The chat will get archived in a folder named ‘Archived Chats‘. But if you want to archive multiple chats at once you can follow the steps below:

2. Select chats you want to archive.

3. Click on the triple dot menu and choose ‘Archive‘.

The chats will be sent to the folder named ‘Archived Chats‘. If you want to completely hide the archived chats from plain sight. You can swipe the archived chats to the left side. To get the archived chats back you can simply swipe the screen down and release your touch. This way you can complete the archiving process on Telegram. To follow up on steps to unarchive chats in telegram read the full article.

How to Archive Chats in Telegram using Desktop Application?

You can browse Telegram directly through the website however, it is much easier to use the web application. You can install Telegram on your desktop through the given link. To set up Telegram on your desktop device you will need to follow the instruction shown on the screen after you have launched the app. With the steps given below you can archive chats in Telegram:

1. Open Telegram.

2. Select a chat and right-click on it.

3. Choose ‘Archive‘.

The chats will be sent to a separate folder named ‘Archived Chats‘. This way you can archive chats through the web app. Now we will be looking into how to unarchive chats in telegram.

How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram?

There are two different ways to learn how to unarchive chats in telegram as we did with the process of archiving chats. Since the steps are much smaller we will demonstrate the steps compactly in a paragraph each showing methodical ways from the mobile app and web app respectively. All you need is a mobile application and to follow the provided steps. On the mobile application, you can simply go to ‘Archived Chats‘. Swipe the chat you want to unarchive to the left side. You will see an icon with unarchive written on it pop up. Once you release the touch, the chat you will send back to the main inbox. Thus, you can unarchive chats in telegram this way. On the web application, once you open telegram you can see the ‘Archived Chats’ folder at the top of your inbox. Tap on it and you will be guided to the list of chats that have been archived. Find the chat you want to unarchive. Right-click on it and select ‘Unarchive‘. This way you can unarchive chats in Telegram.


So, by the end, you might have got a clear idea of ways to organize your chat box through the archive and unarchive chats in Telegram. Remember that if you have also kept the chat on mute you will not receive a notification. With that in mind, we read through the article to know about both archive and unarchive on Telegram. We hope this was a helpful article. Let us know if you have any queries. Recommended Article: How to Block Someone on Telegram?


How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram  - 16How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram  - 88How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram  - 34How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram  - 72How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram  - 13How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram  - 49How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram  - 20How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram  - 51How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram  - 73How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram  - 17How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram  - 14How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram  - 55How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram  - 6How to Unarchive Chats in Telegram  - 82