Likes are shown as a little heart and are used to express gratitude for a Tweet. By clicking or pressing the Likes button on your profile page, you may view all Twitter Likes. That’s why, on almost every social media platform, this function is referred to as “like.” Twitter has 206 million monetizable daily active users globally in the second quarter of 2021.

Why are Twitter Likes Important?

You may boost your influence in the community by accumulating a large number of favourites. Even while recent revisions have obscured features like and retweet counters (on Twitter, a user must tap to access these features), they are still significant since they are a reflection of social acceptability. This is sort of a mark for genuine and worth noting stuff. As a result, the author of the tweet attracts more attention. Likes from your following and casual viewers, for example, can be applied to the responses you post in random conversations. That might indicate that your ideas are comparable to those of a large number of other individuals who could be regarded as prospective followers. As a result, we observe a simple logic in which the amount of likes assists you in determining whether your line of thought will be fascinating, engaging, and fashionable.

How to view Twitter likes without an account?

You may still see other people’s favourites if you don’t have an account on this social media platform. Simply go to their profile and look for the “favourites” link beneath their header, primary image, and bio. If you want to look at a specific account’s thumbs-ups, go to the tweet itself and look for a button that says ” likes,” where is the amount of thumbs-ups. This way, you’ll be able to see who has liked this tweet in the past.

How to see all interactions on Twitter?

Navigate to Streams, then to a Twitter stream. Select the Interactions tab after selecting the Twitter account name or avatar from a stream, assignment, or notice. The selected profile’s interactions with that Twitter account are displayed in chronological order.

How To View All Twitter Likes?

If you want to look for old Twitter likes, follow the instructions below.

1. Open your Twitter account.

2. Click on your profile picture on the left side of your screen.

3. Tap on the Profile to view your profile.

You can see all of your tweets, tweets & replies, likes and other Twitter interactions here. Go to the likes tab and scroll down to view all the twitter likes you have liked yet. They will appear in reverse order i.e. your latest likes will appear at first.

Additionally, click or touch on any tweet to see how many people have liked it. A number next to a heart emblem appears beneath the tweet content. That figure reflects the number of people who liked the tweet. You can ‘unlike’ a tweet by clicking on the heart icon again. If it is favorited, the heart will be red and will have a number to the right of it to show how many people have liked that particular post overall. You can also reply or retweet the post from your ‘likes’ list and continue on with an interaction.

Click Here to watch Video Tutorial


We hope this article was helpful for you. You can easily view all your Twitter likes following above mentioned steps. Do let us know your review and comment in the chatbox. Leave us your questions if you have any! Also Read: How To Delete All Likes On Twitter in 2023? Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest tech news, tips & tricks, and tech reviews.


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