To improve your play and add a more strategic element, you might also want to learn Scrabble’s legal words with no vowels and words with a Q but no U. There are multiple Scrabble word lists to study and some simple ways to improve your Scrabble play.


AA(S), 2 points AB(S), 4 points AD(S), 3 points AE, 2 points AG(S), 3 points AH(S), 5 points AI(S), 2 points AL(S), 2 points AM, 4 points AN, 2 points AR(S), 2 points AS(S), 2 points AT, 2 points AW, 5 points AX, 9 points AY(S), 5 points BA(S), 4 points BE(S), 4 points BI(S), 4 points BO(S), 4 points BY(S), 7 points DE, 3 points DO(S), 3 points


ED(S), 3 points EF(S), 5 points EH, 5 points EL(S), 2 points EM(S), 4 points EN(S), 2 points ER(S), 2 points ES(S), 2 points ET, 2 points EX, 9 points FA(S), 5 points FE(S), 5 points GO(S), 3 points HA(S), 5 points HE(S), 5 points HI(S), 5 points HM, 7 points HO, 5 points


ID(S), 3 points IF(S), 5 points IN(S), 2 points IS, 2 points IT(S), 2 points JO, 9 points KA(S), 6 points KI(S), 6 points LA(S), 2 points LI(S), 2 points LO, 2 points


MA(S), 4 points ME, 4 points MI(S), 4 points MM, 6 points MO(S), 4 points MU(S), 4 points MY, 7 points NA, 2 points NE, 2 points NO(S), 2 points NU(S), 2 points OD(S), 3 points OE(S), 2 points OF, 5 points OH(S), 5 points OI, 2 points OM(S), 4 points ON(S), 2 points OP(S), 4 points OR(S), 2 points OS, 2 points OW, 5 points OX, 9 points OY, 5 points PA(S), 4 points PE(S), 4 points PI(S), 4 points


QI(S), 11 points RE(S), 2 points SH, 5 points SI(S), 2 points SO(S), 2 points TA(S), 2 points TI(S), 2 points TO, 2 points


UH, 5 points UM, 4 points UN(S), 2 points UP(S), 4 points US, 2 points UT(S), 2 points WE, 5 points WO(S), 5 points XI(S), 9 points XU, 9 points YA, 5 points YE(S), 5 points YO, 5 points ZA(S), 11 points