All these and even more curious questions strike a number of people and they simply feel confused about the what, where and how of Internet. Let’s get hold of some interesting trivia about Internet. These facts will answer some of your questions about the network of networks. (by the way, I have earlier published such trivia and facts information about YouTube, Facebook and Google as well)… Here we go about Internet trivia:

Internet was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. In 2008, Internet was controlled by 30 million servers. Now this number is nearly 75 million 550,000 miles of underwater cable makes the backbone of Internet About one billion computers are connected to Internet. (Learn cool Internet tricks!) Overall Internet at present consists of five billion computing devices (like computers, modems, phones, routers, switches etc.) … This number will increase to 22 billion by the year 2020 If you remove the hardware, all that is left in the Internet is data. Internet contains unimaginably huge amount of data but all this data is estimated to be just 0.2 millionth on an ounce. According to Google, Internet contains 5 million Terabytes of data. Google’s search index is about 0.004% of this. Six main Internet cable landing stations are located in Tokyo, Singapore, New York, Cornwell, Southern Florida and Hong Kong. Internet hub in Frankfurt (Germany) is the busiest hub. It transfers 2.5 Terabits per second. USA leads the pack of nations with most Internet hubs. USA has 97 hubs, Brazil has 23 and France has 21 hubs. Interestingly, Microsoft is ahead of Google in terms of number of servers owned. Microsoft has over one million servers whereas Google has 900,000. Now about 3 billion people are connected to Internet. World’s total population is about 7 billion.

Now let’s see these facts and more in the form of an infographic.

Image via WhoIsHostingThis I am sure, like me, you’re also amazed by the enormity of Internet, the network of networks! Please submit if you have any other interesting facts related with the Internet. I will appreciate it! I hope this was useful for you. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions on this topic. I will be happy to try and help you. Thank you for using TechWelkin.

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